2000 LEVEL
2416 Laboratory Measurements and Techniques
Pre-requisite(s): CHE 1102 and 1302.
An introductory laboratory course in quantitative analysis, including volumetric and gravimetric procedures with emphasis on developing the requisite laboratory technique for making high-quality analytical determinations. Fee: $98
2V98 Extended Research Problems (variable for 0 to 3 sem. hrs.)
Pre-requisite(s): Two semesters of CHE 1V98.
A research project conducted under the supervision of a Baylor Chemistry/Biochemistry Department faculty member. A minimum of three clock hours of work per week in the laboratory will be required for each semester hour of credit.
Note: This course may be repeated once if research continues. Departmental clearance is required before a grade can be assigned.
2V9R Research (variable for 0 to 3 sem. hrs.)
Pre-requisite(s): Consent of instructor.
Undergraduate research undertaken under the supervision of a faculty member. May be taken for a maximum of 6 hours.