1000 LEVEL
1100 Introductory Chemistry Laboratory
Pre-requisite(s): Credit or concurrent registration in CHE 1300.
Laboratory investigations of chemical reactions and properties of common, everyday materials. Fee: $92
1101 General Chemistry Laboratory I
Pre-requisite(s): Credit or concurrent registration in CHE 1301.
An introductory laboratory course that illustrates topics covered in CHE 1301, including chemical reactions, the mole concept, properties of gases and solutions, thermochemistry, and molecular bonding. Fee: $92
1102 General Chemistry Laboratory II
Pre-requisite(s): CHE 1101 and credit or concurrent registration in CHE 1302.
An introductory laboratory course that illustrates topics covered in CHE 1302, including properties of solutions, kinetics, equilibrium, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, and chemical analysis. Fee: $92
1146 Introductory Organic Biochemistry Laboratory
Pre-requisite(s): Credit or concurrent registration in CHE 1341.
Laboratory experiments illustrating principles of organic chemistry and biochemistry. Fee: $92
1300 Introductory Chemistry
Pre-requisite(s): No previous knowledge of chemistry required.
A one-semester course in general inorganic chemistry, covering atomic structure, bonding, nomenclature, chemical equations, and a problem-solving approach to stoichiometry, gases, solutions, acids and bases, chemical equilibrium and oxidation-reduction.
Note: Students may apply either CHE 1300-1100, 1405, 1341-1146, or 1301 and 1100 in fulfillment of a science requirement for a (non-chemistry) B.A. degree. However, CHE 1405 is strongly advised for the meeting of this requirement.
1301 Basic Principles of Modern Chemistry I
Pre-requisite(s): A satisfactory score on the SAT math, ACT math, or participation in an online learning module and earning a minimum score at the conclusion of the module. Completion of high school chemistry highly recommended.
An introduction to chemical reactions; the mole concept; properties of gases, solids, liquids, and solutions; atomic structure; periodic properties; chemical bonding, and molecular structure.
1302 Basic Principles of Modern Chemistry II
Pre-requisite(s): CHE 1301 with a C or better.
A continuation of CHE 1301 with emphasis on chemical equilibrium, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, kinetics, and radiochemistry.
1341 Introductory Organic Biochemistry
Pre-requisite(s): CHE 1300 or 1301.
A one-semester introduction to organic chemistry and biochemistry. The structure and properties of different classes of organic compounds, enzymes, bioenergetics, intermediary metabolism, body fluids, and nutrition will be covered.
1405 Chemistry and Society
The influence of chemistry on everyday life, including energy sources, agricultural chemicals, food and food additives, medicines, drugs, water, air, and pollution. Laboratory exercises involve the chemistry and physical properties of common materials. Fee: $92
1V98 Special Research Problems (variable for 0 to 3 sem. hrs.)
Pre-requisite(s): CHE 1302 and 2416; or permission of instructor.
A research project conducted under the supervision of a Baylor Chemistry/Biochemistry Department faculty member. A minimum of three clock hours of work per week in the laboratory will be required for each semester hour of credit.
Note: This course may be repeated once if research continues. Departmental clearance is required before a grade can be assigned.
1V9R Research (variable for 0 to 3 sem. hrs.)
Pre-requisite(s): Consent of instructor.
Undergraduate research undertaken under the supervision of a faculty member. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 hours.