First Year
Fall Semester
2 Chemistry courses
CHE 5050: Colloquium
1 credit hour of CHE 5V98 (you will register for the Director of Graduate Recruitment's section)
CHE 5101: Responsible Conduct of Research
Spring Semester
2 Chemistry Courses
CHE 5260: Scientific Communication
CHE 5050: Colloquium
1 credit hour of CHE 5V98 (you will register for your PI's section going forward)
*to continue past this point, you must have qualified in 3 areas of chemistry whether through scoring 60th percentile or higher on an ACS exam or through coursework by getting a B or higher.
6-7 credit hours of 5V98. 45 credit hours are needed by the summer of your 3rd-year exam. Please space accordingly.
Second Year
Final chemistry course
CHE 5050 (Fall and Spring)
6-7 credit hours of CHE 5V98 each semester
1 credit hour of CHE 5150
6-7 credit hours of CHE 5V98
2nd-year exam:
*If you are combining your 2nd and 3rd year exams please turn in both forms to the Graduate Program Coordinator.
Once you pass your precandidacy exam, you may apply for a Masters-on-the way. Please contact the Graduate Program Director and Coordinator.
Third Year
6-7 credit hours of CHE 5V98 each semester. You should have no less than 39 credit hours completed by the end of the Spring semester.
CHE 5050 (Fall and Spring)
*If you combined your exams, you will register for 1 credit hour of CHE 5150 in the Fall semester.
1 credit hour of CHE 5150
The final remaining CHE 5V98 credit hours. At this point, you should have completed 45 credits of CHE 5V98 by the end of summer. This must be completed prior to starting 6V99.
You cannot register for 6V99 until you pass your candidacy. If you have completed all 5V98 by end of Spring, you will still register for 5V98 for the summer.
3rd-year exam
Fourth Year and Beyond
CHE 6V99. You need 12 credit hours by the time you defend. Please space accordingly (Maximum of 9 credit hours are allowed at one time)
CHE 5050 (Fall and Spring)
Each June a progress report needs to be sent to your committee and the Graduate Program Coordinator.
Final Semester
Final Credits of CHE 6V99
CHE 5050 (if defending in the Fall or Spring)
1 credit hour of CHE 5150
See Dissertation Checklist: